How can we help you?
We believe, that with conscious nutrition we can do much to avoid the diseases of civilization in pets.
In 2021 we we helped 33.000 dogs and kittens to get healthier with our dietary advices.
Our mission for 2022 is to increase this number to 100.000.
Our goal is to make all the dogs and kittens live a healthier life. If we can contribute to this with even a single piece of advice and knowledge, it's worth it.
After all, every little step takes you closer to your goal, so that you pet can live a long, happy life by your side.
We help you - with professional knowledge concerning your pet's diet, raw food (BARF), cooked homemade food, food supplements and vitamins as well.
We are proud of our natural and organic supplements, frozen BARF menus and our natural dog and cat treats and chews.
We produce our food supplements in our own packaging facilities. We have been operating a HACCP quality assurance system since 2009.
What went wrong, why are there so many allergic dogs?
Although our pets are closer to us today than they have ever been before in history, the diseases of civilisation are exploding.
More and more dogs and kittens are allergic to food or suffer from enviromantal allergies. IBD, stomach acid or tummy problems, tartar, mouth odor, diabetes, liver, kidney, pancreatic problems and cancer are common illnesses nowadays.
Despite the fact that we do everything we can for them, their average age will not only increase but decrease.
Due to the harms of civilization, many owners are replacing kibble and starting to cook or switching to raw.
Of course it might be a too big step to start with, but be aware that every step counts.
Paying more attention to your pet's daily excercise, do more sports with them, making their diet just a bit healthier may take you far.
A kibble - no matter which brand we talk about - extruded at 180 degrees is not natural at all.
Sugar, starch, colourants, flavour enhancers, artificial vitamins and supplements have nothing to do in our pet's bowl.
Who are we?
My name is Andrea Böszörményi, together with my husband Zsolt we founded the brand Wolfdining in 2014, which became our passion.
We have a fantastic community of responsible pet owners: we like to teach and educate people, we love to spread the word on social media, we regurarly have media appearances on TV as well.
We take every chance to promote a better understanding and knowledge of a healthy lifestyle in pets.
We have hundreds of videos, blog posts out there to support our mission: making dogs healthier.
We organise the Dog Health Festival in Budapest every year with tons of educative and sports programs for dog owners.
Where do we come from?
We both grew up on the countryside, spending the holidays with our grandparents.
I loved to make a close friendship with all the pets there: I proudly spent time with the geese on the pasture... and loved to feed the piglets from baby bottles! When I got hungry, I just grabbed a tomato from the garden - I am every so grateful of these years.
My grandparents were passionate country lovers, they had a passion for herbs: I have learnt so much about nature around us without even noticing how valuable the knowledge I got from them was.
We moved to Budapest with our very first labrador Brenda, and our kitten Tomi in 2000, but after speding a very few years there our heart took us back to the countryside, so we are living with 6 labradors at the end of a tiny little village surrounded by nature.
Our mission
Back in the early 2000's due to an allergy of our first dog Brenda, I digged into the topic of feeding which became my passion, I never stopped learning since.
In 2015 I graduated in Germany as a pet nutritionist, specialised in raw feeding.
We have had labradors for more than 20 years: breeding, competitons, trainings, spreading health awareness among dog and cat owners became a part of our lives.
We both work actively with our dogs, we often represent Hungary on international competitions. Feeding and keeping dogs in their best shape is close to my heart.
As an FCI judge we have judged competitons and held trainings in 15 countries, so we also have a good overview at the challenges of the European canine society. I am also the Vice President of the FCI Retriever Comittee since.
What we believe in
The most you can do for your pet's health is to get closer to a natural lifestyle and to understand that we cannot beat nature.
The more conscious we are about their diet and lifestyle, the healthier they become. We can easily add a years to their life by taking the right decisions for them.
All our products, developments, each and every step we take supports the only goal: providing them a long, healthy life.
Now that our brand is mature enough on our home market, our passion takes us further and so now we are looking for partners in Central Europe to accomplish our mission - making 100.000 dogs and cats healthier.
If you believe we are on the same track - please get in touch with us, we are happy to talk to you about an eventual cooperation: